Quora Ramblings #9

Jon Mixon
3 min readMar 4, 2019

What trivial knowledge might save your life one day?

Some thoughts:

  • Leave a note detailing where you are going at your home or in your motel/hotel room if you are planning a day hike.Also, leave a similar note in your vehicle when you get to your destination. And make certain that you stick to the area where you stated that you would be.
  • Pay attention to the local weather reports. Any chance of rain above 30% should be assumed as being rain. When/if you are hiking and it begins to rain, head back to your vehicle immediately. Do NOT assume that it is “going to stop soon.”
  • Always buy a map of the area where you’ll be hiking. Even if you think that you know it well or if has been more than five years since you have been in the area.
  • Always take the following with you in a small pack:A mylar space blanket, several bottles of water, several protein bars, small first aid kit, something bright orange (few things are naturally that color), something reflective, a whistle,a flashlight,a small bundle of paracord or twine and a small knife.
  • Always start your hike early and finish it early. Give yourself at least 1 1/2 hour leeway to get back to your vehicle
  • If you find that you are lost and you don’t feel comfortable stopping,walk slowly in the direction that you believe that you came from. That way you will be able to ascertain more quickly if you are walking in circles or if are going the wrong way.
  • If you are lost and you encounter a stream or a fence walk along them. The stream always flows downhill and invariably will reach a larger tributary or a body of water. The fence will almost always lead to a road or a structure.
  • Pay attention to posted signs. If there are “No Trespassing” signs posted, follow their direction and do not trespass. Even if you know that you are on public and not private land, DO NOT argue with someone who tells you that you are trespassing. Apologize, back away slowly and go back the way that you came. Report this encounter to the park rangers or the agency that patrols the land.
  • Before you travel into an area make certain that you know the game seasons. Avoid travel in areas where hunting is occurring (unless, of course, you are hunting) and wear clothing which is safety orange (especially in North America)
  • If you encounter signs of illegal activity (poaching, drug growing,etc) leave the area immediately.
  • (In the Western US and Canada) Learn to carefully read a roadmap. If a road is marked CLOSED IN WINTER assume that means from the end of October to early May. Do NOT open any gates which are blocking access to a road. Do NOT drive around any such gates. Assume that any secondary or dirt roads are going to be poorly maintained and only use them if you are exceptionallyfamiliar with the area.
  • Avoid “shortcuts” especially in areas that you don’t know.
  • Never try ford a flooded roadway , either on foot or in a vehicle. Water flows with surprising force and you can be swept away fairly quickly by only a few inches.
  • If you are in a foreign country, stay out of political discussions unless you know all of the parties VERY WELL. If pressed for an opinion, then simply state ,truthfully, that you don’t know enough to comment.
  • If you don’t speak even the rudiments of the nation’s language, stay in the tourist areas. Don’t try to get “discounts” (for clothes,food,sexual partners,etc) by going off the beaten path.
  • Developing countries/unstable regions — If you do not see any children outside playing (unless it’s prayer time or late at night) immediately leave the area.
  • Steer clear of protests or political demonstrations. Do NOT take pictures of protestors
  • Do not take pictures of military vehicles,military personnel or military installations.
  • If you drink, do so in moderation. Never get inebriated in a bar or restaurant full of strangers. (Anywhere)
  • If you choose to get high, only do so around trusted friends. Be certain that you do not overdo your activities (Anywhere)

