Quora Ramblings #7

Jon Mixon
3 min readMar 4, 2019

I’m upset that Trump won. What is the positive side that could help me get over it?

Some thoughts:

  • Donald Trump has so much baggage in his past that he will likely spend much of his presidency either deflecting lawsuits, seeking legal advice concerning indictments or simply explaining his latest foible/failure — The gloves are off. The press can now have a “field day” on Donald Trump and dig into his past with gusto. There are likely so many bad things waiting to be revealed that even the angry White majority will be embarrassed by their voting decision soon.
  • Donald Trump is a walking gaffe factory — He simply cannot go a week (and often a day) without making a comment that makes him appear to be foolish, incompetent, sexist or racist. Every day will truly be a new day when Trump’s is in office as he will do his level best to reinforce the fact that he is unfit to serve as president.
  • Donald Trump is a f*ck up — While he has managed to convince a large segment of the population that the inverse is true, even a cursory review of his past indicates that he is both a personal as well as a professional failure. His three marriages, his numerous affairs, his frequent business failures and his lack of positive accomplishments will be displayed in stark relief for all to see. At 70 years of age and having demonstrated little in the way of insight or introspection, Donald Trump will likely continue to f*ck up for his entire term in office. If that doesn’t result in an economic meltdown or WWIII, it should very amusing to watch as it unfolds.
  • The Democratic Party will be inspired to find the next “Obama” — Unfortunately (and I have to say, rather sadly for her) the American public has demonstrated, yet again that it doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to be president. The party will have to step back, regroup and find someone who can unite the party and get the votes necessary to win in 2020. While it’s not clear who that person will be, the party will have ample time to make certain that they promote candidates who can both attract voters and who are charismatic.
  • Donald Trump is 70 years old — Despite what his “doctor” stated, he is overweight, in poor physical shape and he doesn’t seem to care. Since he is approaching the far end of the average lifespan of a White American male, his health may make his term in office a brief one. America is actually statistically overdue for a president to have to retire for health concerns as it Dwight Eisenhower who had both heart attacks and strokes in the 1950s who was the last leader whose health could have affected his term in office (Johnson’s heart attack and Kennedy’s Addison’s were largely kept under wraps so they really don’t count). While nobody should wish ill health on another, statistically it’s likely that Donald Trump may be unable to finish his term due to weight , his age and his lifestyle.

So while you may be “down” for now, questioner, life has a way of turning even the sourest of lemons into lemonade.

